How to Compile Your Wedding Day Guest List Stress-Free!


When it comes to planning your wedding, often times creating the guest list can quickly become the most overwhelming and stressful part. How far do the invites extend? “Do I invite that random cousin I haven’t seen since I was 8? What about my co-workers?”....Without an exact game-plan the task of formulating your guestlist can quickly spiral into a whirlwind of stress. We are here to help! Below is everything you need to take into account when creating your guest list so that you can have the most enjoyable day surrounded by those who love and care about you and your significant other the most! 

Step One: Answer the basic and Essential Questions

First things first, before consulting your family, parents, and or friends, sit down at talk it through with your spouse to be. Here are THREE questions you and your significant other should make sure you are in agreeance and crystal clear about.

·     How many guests do we want to have? Small wedding (25-100 people)? Medium sized wedding (100-175 people)? Or a large wedding (200-300 people)?

·     Where is our venue? Does our venue accommodate the number of guests that we want to attend the ceremony and reception? 

·     How much money do we have in the budget to cover “guest costs” (food, alcohol, favors, tables, table décor, etcetera)?


Step Two: Categorizing and Prioritizing

Next, start to compline a list of the different “categories of people” in your life. Which of these categories do you want to  invite?

1.    Immediate family 

2.    Extended family

3.    Your nearest and dearest friends (however, usually these friends will be a part of your bridal party)

4.    Childhood friends

5.    Highschool friends

6.    College friends/roommates

7.    Co-workers

8.    Friends from church 

9.    Your parents friends

10.  Your grandparents friends

11.  Neighbors

If your guest list become too big, decide which “category” you want to eliminate from the list. 


Step Three: Final Cuts and ways to Stay Conservative in Numbers

The part where guest list planning can get tricky is deciding who does and who does not get a “Plus One”.  The rule of thumb when figuring out this component of the guest list usually consists of simply determining who has is in a committed and or long-term  relationship with a significant other? If they do, usually a plus one invitation is extended. If not, plus ones are usually not extended simply due to budgeting. Another way to stay in budget and control guests numbers is to have a “child-free” wedding where only your friends, family, and adults attend.

Step Four: SEND your Invites and Never Looks Back! 

At the end of the day, your wedding is about marrying your best friend! The day is about YOU AND YOUR PERSON! Your friends, family, and loved ones will be there to celebrate with you, sending you off at the end of the night into the new and exciting stage of life!


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