Yes, Guys! You Can Definitely Be a Part of the Wedding Planning Madness!


Guys, this one’s for you! Have you ever thought about how there were so many ways that you could help your soon-to-be wife with the whole frenzy of planning the wedding? No, we’re not giving you complete control to plan everything, but it would definitely ease the stress-levels for everyone, especially if a majority of the planning is being done on their own! Here are 3 super helpful ways that you could help out when it comes to planning your special day!


Figuring Out Your Groomsmen


Finding the right group of guys to stand by your side is one of the most important things to think about when it comes to your wedding day. You want to chose they guys who have either been with you since day one or one you could consider a “brother.” It’s also important to discuss how many people you want to have be apart of the bridal party. That number can either range from 6-10, the choice is all up to you! Once you have a general idea of who you want to stand by your side, you’ll be all set and happy with who you chose to share this special day with you.


Picking the Music to Break Down on the Dance Floor


Music is such a big deal, it’s where the fun really starts for the night! You don’t want your guests to be sitting on their phones all night, not enjoying the moment. This is where your fun side finally gets to come into play! If you’re anything like the average outgoing guy who loves to break out dancing whenever he hears good music, this is definitely something that you should make a priority. So, choose what you know you and your guests are going to enjoy and break a sweat! A tip that your guests might appreciate is when you send out your invitations, have them send back a song of their choice they’d want to hear throughout the night. That way so you have something to add to the list and the pressure isn’t all on you and everyone’s having fun!


Getting Fitted for Your Suit


This one is something that is a MUST!! Your loved one will thank you! This is a super important thing that you should take into consideration because who wants ripped pants while you’re breaking a sweat? I’m sure you don’t and I’m sure no one wants to see anything more than your sick dance moves. It’s best to start going into places, shopping around, and getting a feel for what you like 6 months before the wedding. When going in for your final fitting to make sure everything fits perfectly. The week before the wedding or week of is when you would pick up your suit. That way, if there were any problems that had to be fixed, you can give yourself enough time to make any adjustments that is needed before your wedding day.


Planning Out Your Honeymoon

The honeymoon is supposed to be a fun and intimate experience that you get to have with your significant other before going back to the real world as newlyweds! You should choose a place that you both have always wanted to go to or a place you would have never thought of going to. Don’t know how long you should make your trip for? The average couple typically plans on their honeymoon being about a week long, but that doesn’t mean that yours has to be that specific length. You can decide to make it as short or long as you guys desire, the point is that you get to spend time with your significant other and enjoy each other’s company!

If you follow these easy tips on how you can be involved with the wedding planning, it could definitely show your loved one that you care which is one of the most important things you could do! It’s a win-win situation for everybody!

Photographer | Kaylee Chelsea Photography


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