How to Tell a Vendor It’s Just Not Working Out


Well this is awkward...You’ve been meeting with different vendors for consultations, but now comes the time when you have to call it quits with some of them. There’s really no easy way to tell someone that this isn’t working out. Maybe your personality didn’t click with them or maybe they don’t fit into your budget. No one likes to have these uncomfortable confrontations, but we all have to at some point. Let me help you navigate this conversation with a few handy tips.



The first step in turning down a vendor is to make the initiative in contacting them. If you’ve been mulling over a few different vendors, it's good to come to your decision in a timely manner. Inevitably you’re letting down someone, so it's best for you both to just rip off the band aid. As soon as you’ve realized that this vendor just isn’t right, reach out to them with either a friendly phone call or send a polite email. Vendors appreciate clients who are direct and say if they’re going in a different direction.



Everyone’s heard this one before, and we all pretty much know that if someone tells you “it's not you it’s me” that it is in fact, you. At the same time though, it does soften the blow, right? It feels nice in that moment to think you’re actually coming out the winner. 

Vendors have feelings too, so let them down easy. Even when it really is their business that you’re not vibing with, throw them a line. Reassure them that they didn’t do anything wrong, but that you and your fiancé just aren’t ready to commit. You didn’t mean to hurt them, you thought this was what you wanted, but it just isn’t the right fit. 



And of course, the all-time classic, “we can still be friends” this time, though, you might actually be telling the truth. Your wedding is the biggest celebration of your life, but it’s not the only one. Chances are, down the road, the vendor you’re currently turning down, could be exactly what you are looking for. Even more probable, they could be exactly what your friends are looking for, you know, the ones getting married just a few months after you. You want the best for each other, right? So, if they can make someone else happier, they deserve that, don’t they? Social media also makes it easy to stay connected, and you can always support them by liking their Instagram content.


These situations are uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to end on bad terms. Reach out to your vendors, explain to them that it's just not the right fit, and thank them for their time.

Have any more killer breakup lines? We’d love to hear them and other suggestions you have when it comes to turning someone down!


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