Unpacking the Significance of Self-Reflection


The first half of this year has been nothing short of overwhelming, to say the least! For many of us, the challenges from this season of life have forced us to adjust the goals we set back at the New Year. Isn’t that the beauty of setting goals for ourselves, though? Personal growth doesn't have to happen just once a year; it is a never-ending process you can pick up at any time. Align your life with where you aim to be by taking time to reflect on the person you’ve been over the past few months. Let’s unpack the significance of self-reflection and the benefits you can reap from its practices together!




Self-reflection is a method often used to kick-start the journey of personal growth through the observation and analysis of oneself. It is a process that allows us to disconnect from the world and focus solely on our own actions, thoughts, priorities, and aspirations to become the best version of ourselves.

To start, visualize occurrences that took place at home or in the office. Begin to reflect on your own actions in that place and ask yourself what changes you need to make in order to become the person you intended to be. Once you have identified a few changes you wish to make, you can begin setting goals and adapting new habits! 



Now that we have an idea of what self-reflection looks like in practice, let’s talk about the potential benefits. To name a few, the benefits of self-reflection include improved relationships and decision making, less stress and anxiety, and identifying your true values. Make it a regular task to set aside time solely for analyzing your thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout the day. By doing so, you can make significant progress on your personal growth journey!



There are so many resources available to assist you through the self-reflection process. Some traditional ways to self-reflect include journaling, self-reflection worksheets, which provide questions for introspection, meditation, guided assessments, and group discussions. The process of personal growth looks different for everyone. A few good starting places that we recommend include: browsing the aisles of your local TJ Maxx or Target to find a cute journal that speaks to you, hopping on a phone call with your girlfriends to plan your next productive get together, or spending some time at your favorite place where you have a safe and quiet space to think!


As you begin the self-reflection process, remind yourself that improvement takes time and to remain patient and persistent on your journey. You got this girl!

Looking for more tips on self-care, check out these other blogs below:

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