
Breaking Down the Wedding Invitation Suite

Breaking Down the Wedding Invitation Suite

Let’s talk invitations! The invitations are the guests' first impression of your theme, colors, and style. They contain all the vital information guests need to be prepared to celebrate. The invitation suite is extremely customizable; they can be as elaborate or minimal as you desire. With that in mind, there are some elements that are nonnegotiables, while others are up to personal choice and budget. Use the following guideline to design your perfect invitation suite combination.

Invitation Etiquette | The Who, When, & Where

Invitation Etiquette | The Who, When, & Where

It’s time to let your sweet friends and family know about your special day! Save the date, invitation, and RSVP cards are all a part of the invitation suite. Read along to learn all about what to include, the appropriate sending schedule, and some important details we don’t want you to forget!