Wedding Day Roster - Who Does What?


Did you know that every person on your wedding day has a unique role? Maybe you are not even sure what a wedding day roster looks like! Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We have created a basic overview of what jobs are covered by specific people. Understanding the roles each person plays in the months leading up to your wedding, as well as on your actual wedding day, will ensure you and your fiancé can enjoy your special moments stress-free!

Honor Attendants

First up are the honor attendants, which include your Maid or Matron of Honor and the Best Man. These individuals are your most trusted and important friends and family members who stand by you on your wedding day, and provide support to you in the months leading up to your special event!

The maid or matron of honor serves as the bride’s right hand woman for the planning process of the wedding! If you are wondering what the difference is between a maid and matron of honor it simply distinguishes if she is married or not. A maid of honor is single while a matron of honor is already married. This individual plans the bridal shower and bachelorette party, helps with wedding day details, makes a toast to the newlyweds, signs the marriage license, and helps the bride get dressed! She is the last person to walk down the aisle before the bride. Some of her duties include adjusting the bride’s train, holding her bouquet during vows, bustling the wedding gown and ensuring the bride is as happy as can be. Although these are the traditional roles of the maid/matron of honor, you can mix things up and assign these tasks to other people as well, such as your sisters.

The best man serves as the groom’s helper throughout the wedding season. Before the wedding, the best man is responsible for planning the bachelor party and gets to the ceremony on time! On the wedding day, he holds the rings during the ceremony, is a witness who traditionally signs the marriage license, and gives a toast to the newlyweds during the reception.

Wedding Party Attendants

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Next are the wedding party attendants, which include the bridesmaids and groomsmen! These individuals are led by the honor attendants in the months leading up to your wedding day, and provide support to you and your fiancé! They attend the bachelor/bachelorette parties to ensure the couple feels celebrated and supported. On the wedding day, these individuals get ready with you, stand beside you during the ceremony and ensure that the dancefloor is poppin’

The flower girl and ring bearer also fall under this category of your wedding day roster! These individuals walk down the aisle before the bride, and perform specific tasks. The flower girl will spread flower petals on the aisle in preparation of the bride, while the ring bearer will carry the bride and groom’s wedding rings to the altar (or just an empty ring box for a cute photo)!

Parents of the Bride & Groom

Last, but not least, are the parents of the bride and groom! Traditionally, the father of the bride will walk the bride down the aisle and “give her away.” Often the father of the bride gives a toast the newlyweds and does the father/daughter dance. Usually the father of the groom is responsible for hosting the wedding rehearsal and dinner. And the mother of the groom dances with him on the wedding day. Though these are the traditional responsibilities of parents, their roles are entirely dependent on their personalities! If your father is super shy and would rather stay in the background of speeches and toasts, this role can be assigned to the mother of the groom or another loved one! Also, do not be afraid to get these individuals involved in the planning process of your wedding day! This day is so special to them as well, and I am sure they would love to help you out!  


I believe it is so important to know and understand the role each member of your wedding roster. This is simply a basic overview of each role, but don’t feel as though you have to stick to tradition, this is your special day and you do you girl! Also, my life revolves around planning weddings, so feel free to reach out with any questions you may have about your wedding day!  

Wanting to be prepared at your wedding? Click here to visit our free download about wedding day emergency kits!


Photographer | Alexandra White

Bride | Arielle Postillion

Groom | Vince Postillion

Coordinator | Riding Tandem

Florist | Allison of Array Design

Hair & Makeup | Amber Eichner

Venue | Arizona Snowbowl

Wedding Gown | Maya by Tara Lauren