How to Cut Your Guest List


You’re getting married, congratulations! This should be the best day of your life filled with the people most important to you. We don’t want you to feel the stress of the much dreaded guest list prep, so we’ve created this short list of tips to help you cut that list in half! 



Let’s get started with a rough draft. You should always create an a-list and a b-list. If you are unsure what that means you should think of it in terms of best case scenario versus worst case scenario. Best case scenario you can invite everyone from both lists, however, worst case you can only invite those on your a-list. Really think about who you NEED there rather than those you WANT there. 



We all know who these people are. You still consider them your friends, and you might like their Facebook posts here and there, but when was the last time you saw them? Have you ever actually met them in person? These are the guests who might benefit from watching your wedding recap video. 



On that note let's talk plus-ones. Maybe you did decide to invite your old friend from highschool. You haven’t seen her in a while so she asks to bring a plus-one. If you haven’t met them, don’t hesitate to say no. Only give plus-one invites on the invitations of those whose plus-one you know, and would like to be a part of your special day. Friends of friends will have to sit this one out. 



Some people actually prefer to have weddings without children. If this sounds appealing to you then go for it! Just remember that exceptions shouldn’t be made for certain children (flower girls and ring bearer). If you’re looking to really cut your guest list this could be a great option!


Don’t feel bad about having to make guest list cuts. Remember that oftentimes package deals and discounts are offered for smaller guest counts. It’s your day, remember spending it with those you love, and create memories you will cherish a lifetime. 

Do you have any other useful guest list cutting tips? Let us know in the comments!


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