Wedding Day Survival Kit

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Your wedding day is the most important day of your life and you should spend the hours before you walk down the aisle laughing, relaxing, and getting pampered with your girl gang. The last thing you want to be doing is stressing over the little hiccups that may happen. It is inevitable that unpredictable “emergencies” such as getting a headache, chipped nails, or getting blisters will happen, and you want to be prepared for as many of these “emergencies” as possible. So, I will help you prevent as many of them as possible by sharing my philosophy on the wedding day survival kit!



First, decide who you want to be in charge of your survival kit. This may be a good task for one of the bridesmaids or even your mother, since moms do know best! If you choose to have one of these people prepare your survival kit, maybe take some time with them to go over the list of things that they are planning on including, just to make sure they didn’t miss anything. Having the maid of honor create the kit may also be fun, because they could have the best man make one for your fiancé as well! Or, if it would give you a sense of relief to do it yourself so that you know you have anything you may need. Either way, make sure it is taken care of before the wedding, so that you are not running around last minute trying to collect everything.



Knowing what to put in the survival kit can be a tricky task. Have whoever is making the kit go over their list with a couple of other people, because someone else may think of something that they did not. You don’t want to imagine your dress ripping or a bridesmaid’s dress getting stained, but it’s good to be prepared, just in case! There are also plenty of free resources that have tips on the best things to have in your survival kit. I always bring my own personal wedding day survival kit on wedding days, just in case the bride may need something. If you are on our email list, you’ll be getting the full list of what I bring on wedding days in this week's email! And, if you’re not on our email list, subscribe HERE so that you don’t miss out!


When planning your wedding, it is hard to think about things that could potentially go wrong, because you want to hope that everything will be perfect. It is better to think ahead though and come prepared for as many situations as possible. I hope that these quick tips and this week's email make it easier for you to prepare for the possibilities.

What is one thing that you would include in your wedding day survival kit? Comment below!


Wanting to be prepared at your wedding? Click here to visit our free download about wedding day emergency kits!

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