
Don't Miss a Moment: The Essential Shot List

Don't Miss a Moment: The Essential Shot List

Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime experience; you don’t want to miss a second of it! After choosing your photographer, it is important to make sure they understand your vision. Take some time to brainstorm, or create a Pinterest board to illustrate the overall vibe or mood you want to portray. Additionally, discuss and create a shot list to ensure all the essential moments are captured. A shot list will minimize your stress, help the photoshoots to flow efficiently, and maximize the time spent with your friends, family, and loved ones. Use the list below as a guideline, adding or removing shots to create your perfect album.

Ceremony Prep is Simple…right?

Ceremony Prep is Simple…right?

The ceremony is the most important part of the wedding because it where the bride and groom vow to love each other forever and are pronounced husband and wife. But, you wouldn’t believe how many details are easily missed. (That’s what your wedding coordinator is for!) We compiled some of the highlights of your wedding ceremony you must consider before your big day. Download our checklist handout at the end of the post and use it yourself!

Picking Perfect Wedding Day Florals: All Things Considered + a Checklist

Picking Perfect Wedding Day Florals: All Things Considered + a Checklist

Initial thoughts of your wedding florals will obviously have you thinking about the big beautiful bouquet you’ll be holding throughout your big day…but what about everything else? There are many other floral pieces to consider when it comes to flowers, so we compiled a list to help you check all the boxes when planning your wedding.